The Pre-war M.G. Register of Australia
for all M.G.s built between 1923 & 1939
Welcome to the home page of our Register. We are an autonomous group running under the umbrella of the M.G. Car Club, we encourage you to become a member of your local M.G. Car Club however it is not essential.
All owners of Pre-war M.G.s in Australia are automatically considered to be members of the Pre-war M.G. Register when their cars are recorded on our Register. However, to receive our 24-page Newsletters, you must subscribe, see menu above or the link below for the subscription page.
We love our M.G.s with their history and character and we want you to be part of our family.
If your car is not listed on the register or if there has been a change of ownership please send us the details, if your car is on the register but short on detail or images please send them to us. Help us to keep the register up to date.
All our recorded cars are freely available to search. Click on ‘Vehicle lists’ above and you will see a drop down menu giving you various options of searching whether by state, or viewing the list or the gallery, to find a specific car if you know a key identifier such as owner’s name or chassis number you can enter that information and hit your enter key to see a result.
Click on the image below for instructions .