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The Vehicle Registrar: Marguerite Morgan

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Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
14/28 164064 Ray and John Abikhair Original owner unknown 1927-32, NSW. 32-64 Thomas Clark, NSW. 64-87 James Marriot, NSW. 87-2010 Ron Button, NSW. Col Schiller, Qld 2010-24 Victoria
14/40 2-2703 Ray and John Abikhair 1950s, W.A. Raby, UK. R. Abraham, UK. 1974 Brian Moore, Cambridge, UK. 1983 Peter Briggs, York Motor Museum, W.A. 83-08 Col Schiller, Qld. 08-2024 Victoria
14/40 4-2754 Neil Cuthbert Estate Victoria
C 0261 Marguerite Morgan 07- 2018 Ross Kelly, Qld. 3/06 Mark Piercy, UK. 2000 Jon Feiber, USA. 1996 Kenneth Wilbraham, UK. 1984 Ken Rees. 1978 Brian Sayers. 1960’s Brian Lythe. 1935 Neville Lloyd. 1933 J.H.T. Smith. 1932 Luis Fontes. 1932 Norman Black. 1931 University Motors. Victoria
F 0303 Graeme & Shirley Davies J C Thurburn 8/32, Peter Auld, Don Shinners Gavin Sanford-Morgan, Allan Batten Andrew Wegener Victoria
F Type 0525 Barry Broom Harry Hickling, ACT. Colin Bardill, NSW. Pat Griffith, NZ. P. Smith, Surrey, UK. Victoria
F Type 0861 Harry Hickling Arnold Glass, 1947, reg no. TG 841. Victoria
F type 1178 George and Marguerite Morgan Victoria
F type 1316 Philip Battye Bryan Harper Victoria
F type 1317 Ryan Thompson Barry Bahnisch, S.A. Victoria
J2 2106 Michael Schaefer Victoria
J2 2186 Robin Page Victoria
J2 2217 Stuart Andrews F.R. Wells, UK, 32-34 R.A. McDowell, Vic, 35-45 Peter Gostelow '70s-'16 John Noble '16-22 Victoria
J2 2323 Rod Amos Diana Dwyer UK & N.S.W. Allan Wettenhall, Vic. Victoria
J2 2681 Douglas Rathbone Victoria
J2 2828 Nick Caudwell B. St. M.F. Webb-Ware, UK. 1933-? Harry Walker, Sth Auckland, N.Z. Wayne Marsh, 1973-87 Charlie Futton, South Island, N.Z. 1987-? Rob Bell, NZ-Qld. 1990-2005 Tony McGrath, New South Wales 2005-2022 Victoria
J2 2920 Mike Gething Victoria
J2 3003 Jim Murphy Thomas Atherton, Robert Brown, Malcolm McMillan,Trevor Page, John Holliday, Bill Bennet, Aubrey Paverd Victoria
J2 3018 Chris Lamrock 1933 FH Hickman – London, A Burgess Leigh Lancs 1963, M Marshall Leigh Lancs 1964, Barry Walker 1973, Phil Redhead 1974, George Goodare 1977-79 Victoria
J2 3153 Andy Lucena Allan Scott UK 65-72 Victoria
J2 3284 David Bishop Glen Bishop Victoria
J2 3380 Dorothy & Paul Acfield John Holliday Bill Rutty Bob Hadaway Victoria
J2 3418 Jennie & Graeme Jackson Victoria
J2 3560 Don Murphy Victoria
J2 3627 Peter Clark Don Clark, Vic 70s-2005. Victoria
J2 3727 Mrs Ruth Moore David Moore, 70s-1997. Victoria
J2 4111 Peter Clark Don Clark 70s-2005. Victoria
J2 4257 Unknown David McKenzie, N.S.W. Kevin Riseley, Vic. Ray Delaney, Vic. Brian Hussey, Vic. Victoria
J2 4281 Graeme Jackson G.B. Ruddle, 1933-? Dudley Smith, 1966-67 Gary Grant, 1967-1981. Bill Andrews, 1981 2002. Ross Kelly, 2002 -2015. Victoria
J2 4283 Morgan Family Victoria