Register of Cars & Owners
The Vehicle Registrar: Marguerite Morgan
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Vehicle Reg | Owner | Previous Owners | Location |
18/80 6409 | Robert Bazzica | Selwyn Haig, S.A. Ian Curwen-Walker 1954-2023 | South Australia |
F type 0345 | Peter Bail | Peter Bradey | South Australia |
F type 0546 | Charles & Margret Tuckey | 1932 David Pittendrigh, Toorak, Vic. Colin Jones, Simon Ramsey, Noel Robson, Bill Atherton, Graeme Steinfort, Richard Fearon, Peter Longford, Peter Thomas, Ivan Glasby, Keith Bradfield, John Trewarne, Vic., Keith Schafferius, Qld., Graeme Davies, Vic 2016. | South Australia |
J2 2775 | Martin Barrett | South Australia | |
J2 4330 | Ian Buckley | Bob Bazzica, S.A. | South Australia |
KN 0386 | Robert Bazzica | Alan Kramer, London, UK ?-74 Phil Redhead, NSW, 74-? Warren Hocking, Vic. ?-87 | South Australia |
L type 0409 | Doug Gordon | Georg Leitl, Vic. 2005 Nick Langford, Vic. Peter Coombe, S.A. 2009 | South Australia |
L type 0730 | Martin Barrett | South Australia | |
M Type 0353 | Tim Rettig | South Australia | |
M Type 0540 | Tim Rettig | David Felgate | South Australia |
M Type 1447 | Mike Greenwood | ? D.J. Sexton, Adelaide. 1957 Robert Morphett, S.A. | South Australia |
NA 0392 | Andrew Hayes | South Australia | |
NA 0541 | Peter Cundy | John Snow, NSW 1934- Angus Robertson, NSW '30s. Larry Duff, NSW '40s. Jim Elliott, Newtown NSW '40s. Len Golding, NSW '40s. Fred Elbourne, NSW '40s-50? W. Page, Townsville Qld. Roland Wilf Eberle, Townsville Qld. B. Williams, Qld. '60s Captain (Army) Luxilian Clyde Anable, Qld. Peter Westerwick, Cairns Qld '70s. Bob Fast, Qld 1982-2016. | South Australia |
NA 0637 | Doug Gordon | Coombe Estate 2009-24 Peter Coombe 2005-09 Georg Leitl, Vic 2005 | South Australia |
NB 0897 | Tim Harper | South Australia | |
NB 0926 | Martin Barrett | South Australia | |
ND 0333 | Arthur Ruediger | Phil Vickery, N.S.W. 1974 Ed Ison, N.S.W. '74-'96. Harry Hickling '96-2014. | South Australia |
PA 0510 | Lindsay Hick | Stephen Foldhazy, NSW. | South Australia |
PA 1668 | Bucknell Family | South Australia | |
SA 0518 | Bob Schapel | South Australia | |
SA 2687 | John Neilson | South Australia | |
TA 1288 | Angela McLean | South Australia | |
TA 2378 | Bob Schapel | South Australia | |
TA 2391 | Ron Smith | Vic Spunner, Morwell | South Australia |
TA 2478 | Martin Barrett | South Australia | |
TA 2510 | Ron Smith | South Australia | |
TA 2854 | Geoff Wallbridge | South Australia | |
TA 2939 | Bob Horn | South Australia | |
TB 0558 | Bob Horn | South Australia | |
VA 1048 | Bill Mitchell | Alan Robinson | South Australia |