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A free service to advertise cars, parts, goods or services relavent to Pre-war M.G.s.
 If listing cars or parts for sale the full price must be included.
Cars must be identified by registration number and/or chassis number.
 To advertise email the webperson
M.G. J2 For Sale in W.A.
Ch. No. J2 4418. Eng. No. 2994A
 Records say the last J2 was chassis no. 4420 therefore 4418 is the third last built and appears to be the highest ch. no. in Oz.
Close to its original specifications after being completely rebuilt mechanically and bodily about 15 years ago by its previous owner, a Sydneysider who had it in storage for 50 years while he went on to become the proprietor of a vehicle restoration business.
The car was one of five rolling chassis 1933 J2s sent as deck cargo to Australia in 1934. The body was built in Victoria and the car took part in competition events in that State in the mid-‘30s (photographs available).
It is listed with the Triple-M Register and has been a prize-winner in concours competitions with Perth’s TC Owners’ Club.
Parts include racing screens and leather hood straps. Â Original hood supplied but needs restoration. Click on images to enlarge. Updated 2/19.
Offers near $A52,000.   For details and further information contact :-
Phone: 08 9390 8846 or Mobile: 0409 689 924 or email  owner.

M.G. VA Sedan for sale in W.A.
Chassis no. 1747. UK Reg. XG 5544
Restoration project in original condition. Owned for 25 years.
Car is complete with exception of two logos; spare wheel centre and rear bumper. Comes with new tacho reduction drive unit.
For sale @ A$22,000. Click on images to enlarge. Added 1/18
Email for additional images and more info. owner

Need to place a wanted advert?
Complete the form below to contact Bob Somerville with any questions, alternately email