National Events
National Pre-war M.G. Register Rally – 6th to 9th-9-19
The biennial National Pre-war M.G. Register Rally this year returns to Yamba in Queensland.
There is an entry form included in the Newsletter 1/2019 or download here. Yamba 2019
To learn more details and to make entry inquiries go to the Facebook page here.
Pre-war Register events – Victorian Fragment
Feb. 24th, ConcoursMarch 15th, Clubrooms, Register meeting, Pre-Aust. Grand Prix get together.March 14th -17th, Bright, Veteran Car Club 1 and 2 Cylinder Rally.March 24th, Kalorama Rally. More info here.April 10th, Pre-war and Restorers host monthly M.G.C.C. Club meet. Once per year our register co-hosts a monthly meeting of the M.G.C.C. at the clubrooms. Register members are asked to volunteer to help with selling raffle tickets and preparing supper. Please bring a plate (preferably containing nibbles). For info call Robin Page on 0419 319 874.April 28th, VSCC Autumn Leaves Run.- May 5th, VHRR Rob Roy Hillclimb.
- May 16th, Register meeting, Derby Works, visit. For info call Robin Page on 0419 319 874.
- May 17th – 19th, Historic Winton race meeting.
- June 16th, OST Yarra Track vineyard.
- July 7th, M.G.C.C. Presidents’ Pub Run.
- July 11th, Clubrooms, Register meeting, program TBA.
- August 18th, VSCC Rob Roy Hillclimb.
- August 25th, M.G.C.C. Macedon, Observed Section Trial.
- September 1st, M.G.C.C. Fathers’ Day Early Morning Run.
- September 19th, Clubrooms, Register meeting, program TBA.
- October 25th – 27th, Sandown Historic Races.
- November 3rd, M.G.C.C. Economy Run.
- December 8th, Register Christmas breakup, TBA.