
Current Owner:  Jim Murphy, Victoria. MMM No: 1304 Information: Built at Abingdon on 10/3/33 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market, it was green with green trim. History: Early UK history unknown. Exported to New Zealand in 1965 where it had three owners: Thomas Atherton, Robert Brown and Malcolm...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 870 views

Current Owner: Mike Gething, Victoria MMM No: 2404 Information: Built at Abingdon on 21/2/33 as a 2-seater for the home market where is carried registration number MR 5864. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 840 views

Current Owner: Douglas Rathbone, Victoria MMM No: 243 Information: Built at Abingdon on 17/11/32 as a 2-seater for the home market where it carried registration number HX 7821. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 821 views

Current Owner: Rod Amos, Victoria MMM No: 37 Information: Built at Abingdon on 6/10/32 as a 2-seater for the home market. History: I have just taken over the role of caretaker from Diana Dwyer, who campaigned it for 48 years both in Britain and Aus., as well as using it...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 926 views

Current Owner: Stuart Andrews, Victoria MMM No: 2403 Information: Built at Abingdon on 26th September 1932 as a 2-seater and sold by University Motors London on 11 October 1932. History: Written by Stuart Andrews The first owner was F.R. Wells of Digswell, Mill House, Welwyn, Hertfordshire UK.  Francis (Frank) Wells...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 941 views

 Current Owner: Robin Page, Victoria MMM No: 1725 Information: Built at Abingdon 22/9/32 as a 2-seater for the home market. History:  Acquired  in Copenhagen

 Midgets /  Victoria / 910 views

Current Owner: Brian Oxley, Australian Capital Territory Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Capital Territory / 810 views

Current Owner: Brian Cather, Queensland MMM No: 122 Information: Built 14/3/33 at Abingdon as a 2-seater for the home market painted black with blue trim. It was one of 14 M.G.s, a mix of J2s and L1s, ordered by the Lancaster Constabulary to use as patrol cars. First registered on...

 Midgets /  Queensland / 828 views

Current owner: Noel Becker, Western Australia MMM No: 3584 Information: Fully rebuilt 2012.

 Midgets /  Western Australia / 880 views

Current Owners: Ray and John Abikhair, Victoria MMM No: 1136 Information: Built at Abingdon in 1933 as a 2-seater with swept wings. Delivered to University Motors 15/12/1933 for the home market. The factory build car records that it had a red interior with green body and wheels and registered AXE...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 1050 views

Current Owner: Richard Gregory, New South Wales Information: Currently being restored.

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 818 views

Current Owner: Ray Fowler, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 821 views

Current Owner: Unknown, Victoria Information: Built at Abingdon 26/10/33 as a two-seater with swept wing for the home market. History: Early history unknown Ray Delaney purchased this car from Brian Hussey in January 2002, rebuilt it, then sold it to  Kevin Riseley it has recently been sold to David McKenzie....

 Midgets /  Victoria / 852 views

Current Owner: Brian Kimmings, New South Wales MMM No: 1450 Information: Built at Abingdon on 3/8/33 as a 2-seater with swept wings and carried registration number MG 2798. History: Early UK history unknown. Imported by B.K. circa 1974 in rough condition.  Dismantled with the intention to rebuild in the style...

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 789 views

Current Owner: Ivan Glasby Estate, New South Wales MMM No: 2398 Information: Built at Abingdon 12/5/33 as a 2-seater for the home market. History:  No history provided.  First appeared on the register in the 1992 issue owned by Alf Learmonth in NSW, the next issue in 1997 recorded the car with...

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 819 views

Current Owner: Peter Holsgrove, New South Wales MMM No: 2035 Information: Built at Abingdon on 15/3/33 as a 2-seater for the home market with registration number JR 548. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 711 views

Current Owner: Allana Flynn-O'Neill, New South Wales MMM No: 2396 Information: Built at Abingdon on 14/3/33 as a 2-seater for the home market. History: No history provided Previous registration MGJ 034 (NSW) current reg (2024) 94601 H (NSW).

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 593 views

Current Owner: Ross Tilsed, New South Wales MMM No: 838 Information: Built at Abingdon on 14/2/33 as a 2-seater for the home market. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 594 views

Current owner: Nick Caudwell, Victoria MMM No: 1628 Some of the information below was taken in good faith from a register of MMM cars compiled by the M.G.C.C. New Zealand. You can read an extract covering 2828 here. Information: Abingdon closed for Christmas holidays at the end of 1932 and...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 716 views

Current Owner: Lloyd Russell, New South Wales MMM No: 2414 Information: Built at Abingdon on 29/11/32 as a 2-seater for the home market carrying UK registration MG 2114. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 660 views

Current Owner: Unknown MMM N0: 2794 Information: Built at Abingdon on 15/11/32 as a 2-seater for the home market. Original UK reg. YY1362 History: Early UK history unknown.  Rebuilt as a C type replica by Barry Foster in 1994. Car is in perfect condition with steel one-piece crankshaft, steel rods,...

 Midgets /  Australia / 727 views

Current Owner: Errol Sales, New South Wales MMM No: 1034 Information: Built at Abingdon on the 9/9/32 as a 2-seater for the home market.  Carried the UK registration CG 2388. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 630 views

Current owner: Barry Evans, Queensland MMM No: 2048 Information: The first J1s were produced with either the four-seater tourer bodies left over from the D type and F1 Magna or a salonette closed coupe body. J0268 is the 3rd lowest chassis number of J-types on the UK MMM Register. This car...

 Midgets /  Queensland / 724 views

Current owner:  Morgan Family, Victoria MMM No: 591. History:  C0261 is the tenth of the batch of 14 cars built in the twelve days prior to the 1931 12/12 hour race at Brooklands. The design concept had been decided long before then but parts had to be sourced and the...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 1026 views

Current owner: Tim Rettig, South Australia Information: Built in 1929 at the Oxford works. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  South Australia / 659 views

Current owner: Mike Greenwood, South Australia MMM No: 2392 Information: Built in Abingdon in 1930 as a fabric 2-seat roadster. History: Early history unknown.  It was first recorded in its present form of J2 style body with slab tank, swept wings and folding windscreen when purchased in 1957 by Robert...

 Midgets /  South Australia / 711 views

Current owner: Bob Wood, Queensland MMM No: 2391 Information: Built in 1930 at Abingdon as a fabric 2-seat roadster for the home market. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  Queensland / 870 views

Current owner: Tim Rettig, South Australia MMM No: 3413 Information: Built in Oxford in 1929 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  South Australia / 630 views

Current owner: Matt Spoljarevic, Queensland MMM N0: 2394 Information:  Built at Abingdon in 1932 as a metal panelled 2-seater for the home market. History: This 1931 M-type Midget was purchased from New Zealand in March 1981 for display at the York Motor Museum in Western Australia. In April 1995 the Midget...

 Midgets /  Queensland / 793 views

Current owners: Ray and John Abikhair, Victoria MMM No: 1221 Information: Built in 1931 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market.  UK reg., BG 168. History: written by Rob Dunsterville. During 1974 when I was living in London, Brian Flowers and some others (in the M.G. Car Club Sydney)...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 753 views

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