Current owner: Tony Basham, Queensland MMM No: 2387. Information: Built at Abingdon on 29 Jan 1931 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market with a black fabric covered body. History: written by Tony Basham. First owner Mr Webster of Woldingham, Surrey, UK. Registered PL5390. March 1931. Purchased by Michael...
Midgets / Queensland / 555 views

Current owner: Hilton Goodall, Queensland MMM No: 790 Information: Built at Abingdon on 12/4/1930 (Kimber's birthday) as a 2-seat roadster for the home market. Registered PG 8733 on 25/4/1930 to its first owner Robert Hy Everett, 94 Telford Road, Hull. History: All former owners are known and listed below. We...
Midgets / Queensland / 575 views

Current owner: Ryan Thompson, Victoria MMM No: 2858 Information: Built in 1931 as a fabric 2-seat roadster for the home market. Original timber frame and Rexine covering survives under recent vinyl recover. History: This car was discovered in a shed in London in 1993 and is in very original condition...

Current owner: Errol Sales, New South Wales Information: No History provided
Midgets / New South Wales / 559 views

Current owner: Errol Sales, New South Wales MMM No: 2385 Information: Built at Abingdon in 1930 as a fabic 2-seat roadster. History: No history provided
Midgets / New South Wales / 727 views

Current Owner: Michael Spruyt, New South Wales MMM No: 2386 Information: Built in Abingdon in 1930 as a fabric 2-seat roadster for the home market. History: No history provided
Midgets / New South Wales / 729 views

Current owner: Ian Heather, New South Wales MMM No: 2383 Information: Built in Qxford during August 1929 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market. History: Ian came across M0580 in 1964 as a result of his father buying M0582 as a complete car two years earlier. M0580 was a...
Midgets / New South Wales / 564 views

Current owner: Col Schiller, Queensland History: M.G. 18/80 Mark I Speed Model built 12/3/31 The M.G. Car Company ordered approximately twenty five bodies from Carbodies to 1930 international racing specifications intended for use on Mk III chassis, known as 18/100 Tigress. Only five of this model were built so the...
Vintage / Queensland / 761 views

Current owner: Peter Partridge, Western Australia History: The photos showing M.G. 18/80 Mk 1, chassis 2FS6268 engine JA8882, are from the Medlen family who have a farm at Williams, south of Perth in the wheat belt and show the first owner of the car, Doug Medlen. The family claims the...
Vintage / Western Australia / 884 views

Current owner: Robert (Bob) Bazzica, South Australia Information: Oxford built 1929 History: Early history unknown. Appeared in South Australia wearing a locally built body, registration number SA 168 849. Raced in the 1939 Australian Stock Car Road Championship, Lobethal, S.A., driven by Selwyn R. Haig (did not finish). The car...
Vintage / South Australia / 793 views

Current owner: Ray and John Abikhair, Vic. History: UK Registration UV8692, Ex York Motor Museum First registered on October 9, 1929 this car still wears its original UK license plate, UV8692 and carries its original Carbodies body numbered 6257. Very little of its early history is known but the car...

Current owner: Bill Young, Queensland History: No history provided
Vintage / Queensland / 722 views

Current owner: Cuthbert Family, Victoria. History: This 14/40 with Carbodies coachwork was bought by garage proprietor Neil Cuthbert circa 1958. Neil restored it to near original condition and used it enthusiastically in M.G.C.C. events. Neil passed away in the 1980s and the Cuthbert Family retained the vehicle. Although it is...

Current owner: Terry and Julie Prodger, New South Wales. Information: The chassis was assembled by Morris Garages in their Oxford factory and dispatched to Carbodies to receive its 4-seat tourer body, the guarantee plate was issued 21/10/25. One of eight Bullnose M.G.s known to have survived out of approx. 336...
Vintage / New South Wales / 810 views

Information / History: The current owner’s father bought this car in the UK in 1940. It was taken over by Peter in the early 1960’s and brought by him to Australia in 1970.
SVW / South Australia / 626 views

SVW / New South Wales / 569 views

Current owners; Ray and John Abikhair, Victoria. Information; built as a 4-door saloon in 1939, painted black. History; supplied by Robert Smith Vehicle shipped from UK on 26.09.1939 (note on shipping document: “Last car shipped before war commenced”) Vehicle imported by P&R Williams (import #802) Cost ex works: £316.15.0, Landed cost:...

SVW / Western Australia / 559 views

SVW / South Australia / 719 views

SVW / South Australia / 729 views