
 Magnette /  South Australia / 792 views

 Magnette /  Queensland / 767 views

Current owner: Ross Copeland, Vic. MMM No: 3669 Information: Built at Abingdon in 1936 as a 2-seater and transferred to Morris Industries for export, destination unknown.

 Magnette /  Victoria / 773 views

History: John acquired this NB in 2004 during a visit to the UK, from his old friend Barry Walker, who was selling pre-war parts at Prescott Hill Climb.  Previously the car had been in the same family for 40 years, MMM Register Number 1698. Since arriving in Australia in February...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 808 views

 Magnette /  New South Wales / 774 views

Current owner: Peter Gibson, WA. MMM No: 2484 Information / History: TBA Our archivist Matthew Magilton  found this picture of NA0539, taken in 1989 by Doug Greening . Anyone recall who made the body?

 Magnette /  Western Australia / 786 views

 Magnette /  Western Australia / 598 views

 Magnette /  Western Australia / 587 views

Current owner: Doug Gordon, South Aust. History: None provided.  First appeared on the Register in 2005 owned by Georg Leitl in Victoria.  Believed to have been acquired by Peter Coombe in S.A. shortly after that date.  P.C. passed away in 2009 and the car remained in the family shed until...

 Magnette /  South Australia / 779 views

Current owner; Peter Cundy, South Australia MMM No; 2487 Information; Built at Abingdon in 1934 as a rolling chassis for export to Australia. History; Imported by John Snow who commissioned the local construction of a body however the body took too long to emerge and Snow did not use the...

 Magnette /  South Australia / 893 views

Photo: At Lobethal after restoration.

 Magnette /  South Australia / 818 views

Current owner: Eric Kerr, Qld. History: The MG was only used sparingly by the previous owner.  Peter Kerr fully sorted the Magnette, and has had a long and successful racing career with it. Lloyd Hagaman maintained the MG, and Bruce Blakeley and his boys acted as pit crew mechanics at...

 Magnette /  Queensland / 927 views

Current owner: David Hall Information / History: This 1935 NA Magnette carries an attractive aluminium two seater body, built by an unidentified Australian coachbuilder, and is finished in traditional MG cream and brown colours. The MG was imported new by Lanes Motors in chassis form, together with another Magnette, one...

 Magnette /  Australia / 815 views

Current owner:  Ray and John Abikhair, Geelong, Victoria. MMM N0:  1674. Information: Built in 1935 as a 2 seat roadster for the home market and registered AAD 666. History: An image of this car appeared in the April 1935 issue of Motor Sport recording that N.A. Pinegar made Fastest Time...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 981 views

 Magnette /  Victoria / 768 views

Current owner:- Ryan Thompson, Vic. MMM No: 521 Information / History: NA0303 — Can anyone help - did this car ever compete??? Fortunately the factory files for this NA are reasonably comprehensive for its early years. NA0303 was supplied to University Motors as a green 2 seater in April '34...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 824 views

History: NA0281 was imported from Abingdon in chassis form and bodied for its original owner Fred Gluth by Chas Aspinall. It was raced and rallied in the 30’s by Dr Manser and finished 10th in the AGP at Lobethal in 1939. It has been owned by Walter Magilton for the...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 857 views

Current owner: Andrew Fock, Victoria. Information: NA 0279 was imported into Australia in September of 1934 by Lanes Motors of Melbourne  as one of the first batch of N types brought to Australia (NA 0278-0281). Of the batch of four cars, two were imported with CKD UK bodies and two...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 826 views

Current owner: Chris Capes-Baldwin, Vic. MMM No: 2481

 Magnette /  Victoria / 739 views

 Magnette /  New South Wales / 773 views

Current owner: Ian Pardey, NSW MMM No: 1663

 Magnette /  New South Wales / 711 views

Current owner: Tim Perrin, Victoria Information: Built in 1935 as a black pillarless saloon for the home market. History: An original Extract from Registration Particulars exists showing the date of registration was 7/10/1935, the number was ADG 409 and has continuous license stamps up to 1963. The car was purchased...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 791 views

Current owner: Robert (Bob) Bazzica, South Australia. MMM No: 1658 Information: Built in 1935 as a 4-door pillarless saloon for the home market. History: None supplied however we do have some information. KN0386 is mentioned in the history of K1 0434 as told by Michael Carr link and quoted here:-...

 Magnette /  South Australia / 794 views

 Magnette /  New South Wales / 593 views

 Magnette /  Queensland / 969 views

Current owner; Clifford Ross Kelly, Queensland. History; K3004 is the sixth K3 built; with its guarantee plate being issued 30/3/1933 and delivered to its buyer, G.F.A. (Jock) Manby-Colegrave.  It is believed that the car was registered JB 1411.  Jock was friendly with Adrian Squires who had worked as a draftsman...

 Magnette /  Queensland / 1746 views

 Magnette /  Victoria / 914 views

History: Before being brought to Australia by John Snow, this car had been raced extensively in Europe by Thai (then known as Siam) Prince Bira.  Its first Australian outing was at Victor Harbor in 1936, when Lord Walerin retired early.  The car changed hands several times before the Second World...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 1428 views

History: K3002 was prepared for the 1933 Mille Miglia being driven by Henry Birkin and Bernard Rubin. It was the pacesetter for the MG team and retired at Sienna after setting a new class record for the distance travelled. The car was retained by the factory and raced in the...

 Magnette /  Victoria / 1077 views

Current owner: Private, S.A. History: This is the second K3 to be built and is one of the most original.  It is the prototype Mille Miglia K3 built on 4 Jan1933 then taken to Italy for a practice run with all 6 drivers to trial the car and reconnoiter the...

 Magnette /  Australia / 1362 views

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