14/40 4-2620

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Current owner: Terry and Julie Prodger, NSW


Morris chassis number: 246181

M.G. ch. no: 243181 (always 3000 less than the Morris no.)

M.G. car no: 4-2620 (prefix denotes 2 or 4 seater).

It is interesting to note that all 14/40s were officially known as M.G. 14/40 Mk  IV although there is no record of a preceding Mk III model!  This appears to be another example of Cecil Kimber playing with words or punctuation to add gravitas to his adverts, rather like adding the dots after M and G (in Kim’s words, “they are there by design!”

Assembled at the M.G. factory in Oxford, completed 14/3/1928 and dispatched to Carbodies 17/3/1928 where it was fitted with a 4-seat touring body painted dark blue with engine turned alloy side panels.
Date of first registration is unknown however it is believed the first owner was a Doctor.  In 1936 it carried registration number UV 4285 and was owned by E.B. Sidney, Haslemere, Surrey.  In June Mr Sidney emigrated to Jo’burg, South Africa where the car was in regular use until sold to B.E. Clarke also in Jo’burg in 1965.  Mr Clarke rarely used the car and it spent about 20 years in the Pioneer Park Museum.

During its time in Jo’burg the registration system was revised consequently the car carried three different registration numbers; TJ 53003 ’36-’80, LWG 332T ’80-’90S, JIY 633 GP ’90s-2009.

After Clarke’s death his daughter sold the car in 2009 by auction and it was bought by Alan Salem in the UK.  Interestingly Mr Salem already owned a very similar 14/40 4-seater, the car was taken back to the bare chassis and fully restored over a two-year period.

Bought through a UK online auction site in Feb 2024 and arrived in Australia a few months later, now registered in NSW and being used for club runs together with the owners’ M.G. 14/28.

  • Listing ID: 7435
  • Vintage Model: 14/40
  • Chassis Number: 4-2620
  • Year of Production: 1929
  • Previous Owners: Alan Salem UK 2009-2024.
    B.E. Clarke SA 1965-2009.
    E.B. Sidney UK & SA 1935-1965.
  • Current Owner: Terry and Julie Prodger
  • Original Engine Number: 277387
  • Current Engine Number: 277387
  • Date Acquired: Feb 2024
  • Current Reg: 63205J (NSW)