Q Type 0257

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Currently Owner: John Lackey, New South Wales

History: Second last Q-type built, imported by Britannia Motors Aug., ’34 for Ces Warren.

Current engine block – stamped 1260/Q    ( this has been disputed as apparently this engine number is not shown on any MG records, however, the block is marked 1260/Q).

The Q will be restored/ reassembled to as close as possible original condition. Please  note that wheels shown in the photo are centre laced 18”. We also  have the original  18” side laced wheels. The “P” grille shows the head light bracket holes which will need to be rectified.

The earliest photo that I have was taken at Sellicks Beach in 1934 ( from Rob Dunsterville) and the colour appears to be very dark green or black. I prefer to paint the Q black.

1934          Cec Warren of Victoria with driver Cec Warren at Sellick’s Beach SA.

????           Hope Bartlett of New South Wales with driver Hope Bartlett. At Bathurst in Easter 1939, October 1939, Easter 1940.  Fastest Lap pre WWII for under 750cc cars at 3min 47 seconds.

1939          P&R Williams MG Distributors (New South Wales) for duration of WWII

1946          John Jarvis of South Australia??

1946          Tommy Jamieson (motor cycling fame) of New South Wales with driver Frank Kleinig at Nowra

????           Les Murphy of Victoria (Not driven by Les Murphy, car kept as spares for QA 0256 but not used for spares)

1948          John Peek of New South Wales with driver John Peek at Mt Druitt, Gnoo Blas, Bathurst 1949, October 1950 and October 1951 – last race, entry noted in Gnoo Blas Programme 1953.

1967          John (Jumbo) Goddard of New South Wales

1978          Ed Ison of New South Wales – car stored along side QA 0256

2009          Peter Ison & Richard Moore & of New South Wales – Richard Moore commenced restoration of the car.

2014          Richard & Elaine Moore of New South Wales – car rebuilt and restored cosmetically

2014          8 December 2014 – John Lackey of New South Wales with driver John Lackey – car further restored and started for the first time since John Peek’s ownership early in 2015.  Car’s first public outing was to the Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia’s (VSCCA) Opening Rally on January 2014.

  • Listing ID: 2425
  • Midget: Q Type
  • Chassis Number: 0257
  • Year of Production: 1934
  • Current Owner: John Lackey
  • Original Engine Number: 1259/Q
  • Current Engine Number: 1260/Q