K1 0411
Magnette / / 659 views
Current owner: Marguerite Morgan, Victoria.
Four-seat tourer, KD engine, ENV pre selector gearbox, restored to original factory standard.
Engine No. 624 AKD (on Engine and Plate) Body No 139/9799 Body Type B224.
Imported from the UK by Clifford (Ross) Kelly. The car required considerable work to bring it up to the Kelly standard. Restoration was carried out by the Ford brothers in Qld., completed in time for the M.G.C.C. National Meeting in Toowoomba, Qld., in 2013. The car was also used at Skye Kelly’s wedding in 2013.
Sold to facilitate the purchase of K3004.
- Listing ID: 1941
- Magnette: K1
- Chassis Number: 0411
- Year of Production: 1934
- Previous Owners: Ross Kelly 2009-17, David Gregory ?-2009.
- Current Owner: Marguerite Morgan
- Original Engine Number: 624 AKD
- Current Engine Number: 624 AKD
- Date Acquired: 2017
- Current Reg: 32937H Vic Historic., MGK 34 Qld., MG 3029 original UK.