PA 1726

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Current Owner: Elliot Burns, New South Wales

Information: Built in 1934 as a 2-seater and dispatched to Morris Industries, the export arm of the Nuffield empire.  The factory chassis record card indicates the car was sold to a Mr Place and registered AJO 300 in the UK.

History: There are images showing AJO 300 in the UK during to war when it was owned by Herbert Ellis.

No intervening history known until the bare chassis was acquired in NSW by Ray Fowler among a lot of parts he bought for a J2.

Ray did not have a need for the PA chassis so it was suspended from his shed roof for many years until he offered it to Elliot Burns to help with his restoration of PA 1499.

  • Listing ID: 2252
  • Midget: PA
  • Chassis Number: 1726
  • Year of Production: 1934
  • Previous Owners: Mr Place, UK, 1934-?
    Herbert Ellis, UK, war years.
    Ray Fowler, NSW, '70s-2019.
  • Current Owner: Elliot Burns