VA 1042S
SVW / / 575 views

Current owner:- Errol George, Queensland.
Previously listed as VA 1049, this has been corrected to VA 1042S.
Early history unknown. The car was imported from USA by a South Australian dealer. It was purportedly found in a barn where it had been stored for more than 20 years.
Bought by Stan Tucker in W.A. in the 1980’s and placed into storage. Sold through this site to Errol George from Qld.
- Listing ID: 4783
- Chassis Number: VA 1042S
- Year of Production: 1937
Previous Owners:
Dealer in S.A., 1980s.
Stan Tucker W.A., 1980s - 2018. - Current Owner: Errol George
- Original Engine Number: TPBG 1249, Body 515/5772
- Date Acquired: 6/2018