T Type

Current Owner: Ian Pardey, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 398 views

Current Owner: David Schoch, Queensland Information: The car was restored some years ago and is still in very good condition. Swapped with Geoff Turner  for Lotus Elise.  

 T Type /  Queensland / 429 views

Current Owner: Trevor Page, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 389 views

Current Owner: Peter Lloyd, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 385 views

Current Owner: John Lackey, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 413 views

Current Owner: Peter Hamilton, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 389 views

Current Owner: Jeff Spencer, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 369 views

Current Owner: Roy George, UK Information: Now back in the UK

 T Type /  New South Wales / 388 views

Current Owner: Kevin Willis, New South Wales Information: No history provided

 T Type /  New South Wales / 380 views

 T Type /  New South Wales / 441 views

Current Owner: Doug Potts, South Australia Information: No history provided

 T Type /  Australia / 565 views

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