Vehicle list – Searchable

Register of Cars & Owners

The Vehicle Registrar: Marguerite Morgan

This is the complete register in model order.
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Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
TA 1243 Peter Lloyd New South Wales
TA 1418 Mike Gosbell Bill Hicks, W.A. New South Wales
TA 1429 Trevor Page New South Wales
TA 1457 Tim Curtis Ian Pardey, NSW -2022 New South Wales
TA 1811 Virginia Lloyd-Tait Jim Lahm New South Wales
TA 1939 Alan Taylor New South Wales
TA 1980 Ross & Mandy Harris Jim Shipp, Sid Rutty, Claude Harris New South Wales
TA 2034 John Lackey New South Wales
TA 2137 Peter Werczyk New South Wales
TA 2312 Graeme Louk New South Wales
TA 2765 Bob Somerville Ron Taylor New South Wales
TA 2954 Stuart Ratcliff Peter Lloyd, NSW -2023 New South Wales
TA 2982 Ross Harris Phillip & Moreen Dadd, Ron Gammons, Anne Pridham New South Wales
TA 3118 Leo Norburn New South Wales
TA 3176 Richard Barton New South Wales
TA 3178 Unknown New South Wales
TB 0366 Stuart Ratcliff New South Wales
TB 0400 Bob Lyons Miss L. Lanyon, Cornwall, UK 1939>? 1978>2018 Frank Horwood, NSW. New South Wales
TB 0460 Jeff Newey New South Wales
TB 0478 Rees Mackay New South Wales
TB 0499 John Mullens New South Wales
TB 0508 Ivan Glasby New South Wales
TB 0515 Ray Tolcher New South Wales
TB 0547 Peter Werczyk Ross Robertson New South Wales
TB 0554 Brian Langlands New South Wales
VA 0517 Unknown Rod Wise, NSW. Offered for sale 1974. 1979 PW Register, Barry French, NSW. Ed Ison, NSW. For sale 2009. New South Wales
VA 1196T Tony Carroll New South Wales
VA 1880 Royce Reed Robin and Jenny Page, Vic. Reg. 01954H New South Wales
VA 2334 Lester Whiffen New South Wales
VA 2480 Ron Taylor New South Wales