Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
TA 2499 Richard Millington Victoria
TA 2510 Ron Smith Richard Payne, WA. South Australia
TA 2581 Graeme Steinfort Kevin Armstrong, Allison Magilton Victoria
TA 2632 Tony Slattery Richard Plamisano Queensland
TA 2765 Tony Volders Ron Taylor Victoria
TA 2828 Helen Gillett Victoria
TA 2832 Nigel Schofield Mr and Mrs Dwyer, UK - N.S.W. Stuart Schofield, N.S.W. Victoria
TA 2833 Phil Cassie Victoria
TA 2841 unknown Doug Potts, SA. Australia
TA 2854 Geoff Wallbridge South Australia
TA 2885 John Kennedy Paul Chaleyer, Vic Tasmania
TA 2908 Chas Bassingthwaite Queensland
TA 2935 Peter Matters Victoria
TA 2939 Bob Horn South Australia
TA 2954 Stuart Ratcliff Peter Lloyd, NSW -2023 New South Wales
TA 2982 Ross Harris Phillip & Moreen Dadd, Ron Gammons, Anne Pridham New South Wales
TA 3107 Conner Ryan Patrick Ryan Victoria
TA 3118 Leo Norburn New South Wales
TA 3176 Richard Barton New South Wales
TA 3178 Unknown New South Wales
TA 3241 Roger Watts Victoria
TA 3242 Unknown Bruce Croft, Qld. UK
TB 0342 Col Schiller 46-49 Alf Najar, 49-54 Peter Critchley, 54-57 Alan Murray (rebodied), 58 Paul Samuels, 60-77 Brian Hayden and others, 77-78 Barry Papps, 78-80 Greg Smith (rebuilt) 80-17 Ron Townley, 2018 Damian Tange, 2018 Col Schiller Queensland
TB 0366 Stuart Ratcliff New South Wales
TB 0400 Bob Lyons Miss L. Lanyon, Cornwall, UK 1939>? 1978>2018 Frank Horwood, NSW. New South Wales
TB 0417 Col Schiller Ron Hay, Greg and Alan Nolan, Jim (Tex) Downie, John Nind. Queensland
TB 0460 Bill Fuller Jeff Newey, NSW. Queensland
TB 0478 unknown Rees Mackay UK
TB 0499 John Mullens New South Wales
TB 0500 Peter Partridge Western Australia