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Currently owner: Unknown, this vehicle is listed as lost. Information: Of the 22 J3s built only one left the factory as a rolling chassis; J3766! Ordered direct from Abingdon by Lanes Motors for Cec Warren, a director of Britannia Motors.  The car was dispatched on 28/3/33 and on arrival was...

 Midgets /  Australia / 795 views

Currently owner: Bill Fuller, Queensland Information: by Clifford Kelly and Tim Jackson. Known as the "Australian J4". Built in Feb. 1933 and retained by Abingdon initially registered JB 641, the car went to University Motors in May '33 and registered MG 2348.  U.M. appear to have sold it to one...

 Midgets /  Queensland / 879 views

Current owner: Tim Jackson, Victoria Information: J3771 left the works in June 1933 and is thought to have been owned by P. Strong in the UK.  No record has been found of Mr Strong in an M.G. but there are records of a P. Strong in a Hornet Special in...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 960 views

Current owner: John Batkin Estate, Victoria Information: The first recorded owner of J3767 was Asia Owczarow an aristocratic Russian Jew living in Paris.  He is known to have owned this J3, QA0252 and K3011.  He used a number of aliases to conceal his motor racing from his parents who were...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 896 views

Current Owner: Ed Taylor, Victoria Information: MG J3, chassis J3762 – Early history and competition record There are no known records of the cars early years in the UK. It was exported to Australia in 1934 and first registered in Victoria on 14 February 1935, almost exactly two years after...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 941 views

Current owner: George and Marguerite Morgan, Victoria MMM No: 78 Information: Guarantee plate issued 7/12/32.  Standard 2-seat body, painted green, registered JB 1047.  Retained by Works and used for Class H record attempts at Montlhery 1932 and then Le Mans 24 hour race in 1933. 7/12/32: Guarantee plate issued. 18-19/12/32: ...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 1053 views