Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
TB 0508 Graeme & Jennie Jackson Victoria
TB 0511 Unknown Rod Hiley North America
TB 0515 Ray Tolcher New South Wales
TB 0534 John Noble Victoria
TB 0535 Geoff Barnes South Australia
TB 0547 Peter Werczyk Ross Robertson New South Wales
TB 0551 Brian Smyth Victoria
TB 0554 Brian Langlands New South Wales
TB 0558 Bob Horn South Australia
TB 0562 Graeme Louk Daniel Wong New South Wales
TB 0609 Jeff Brown Roger Williams Victoria
TB 0616 John Field Tasmania
TB 0620 Allan Herring Western Australia
VA 0517 Unknown Rod Wise, NSW. Offered for sale 1974. 1979 PW Register, Barry French, NSW. Ed Ison, NSW. For sale 2009. New South Wales
VA 0838 Tony & Debbie Slattery Barry Harvey, Chip Hedges, Michael Bayer, Dr. Rodney Lumer, Peter Baker, ???, ??? still looking for more. Queensland
VA 0922 Brendon Clarke First owner possibly a lady in Sydney with a fleet of cars and a chauffeur. Mid-50s George Mabbitt, passed on to his step son Ron Clarke and now to his son Brendon. Queensland
VA 1042S Errol George Dealer in S.A., 1980s. Stan Tucker W.A., 1980s - 2018. Queensland
VA 1048 Bill Mitchell Alan Robinson South Australia
VA 1196T Tony Carroll New South Wales
VA 1446 Robyn & Bruce Morrison Sir George Tallis, Vic. Derek Davis, Vic. Victoria
VA 1631T Graeme Davies Mr. J. Luff, Surrey, England sold 17-8-1998. Bas de Voogd, Rotterdam, Holland, sold 2011. Victoria
VA 1747S Rick Jones 30s Jack Auld, Vic. 70s Ed Taylor, Vic. Early 80s Bryan Parnell, Vic. Late 80s Stan Tucker, WA. 90s Hank(?) N.Z. Australia
VA 1755 Stan Tucker 1995-2011 Un-named lawyer, Tulsa, OK, USA. Western Australia
VA 1880 Royce Reed Robin and Jenny Page, Vic. Reg. 01954H New South Wales
VA 2124T David Anderson Graham Ash, Wotton Bassett, Wiltshire, England Graeme Davies, Melbourne Victoria
VA 2334 Lester Whiffen New South Wales
VA 2480 Ray and John Abikhair Ron Taylor Victoria
WA 0370 Peter Shipside South Australia
WA 0562 Tony Volders John Wratten Peter Beasley Peter Gostelow Victoria
WA 0578 Ray and John Abikhair P and R Williams, NSW, '39-57? John McLiesh, NSW, '57-69. Bob Beer, NSW, '69-78. Don Cairns, NSW '78-2010. Robert Smith, NSW '10-23 Victoria