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Current owner: Stephen Keightley, S.A. MMM No: 1978

 Midgets /  South Australia / 71 views

Current owner: Ian Richardson, Vic. MMM No: 3486

 Midgets /  Victoria / 63 views

Current owner: Andy Lucena, Victoria MMM No: 3712 Information: Built at Abingdon in 1935 as a 2-seater for the home market registered BRW 853. History: None provided. More recently, throughout 2023, Browne's Metalcraft posted a series of images on Facebook showing their progress creating an all-aluminium body in the style...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 58 views

Current Owner: Ken Taylor, Tasmania MMM No: 1434 Information: Built in 1934 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market, registered MG 3650. History: No history provided

 Midgets /  Tasmania / 523 views

Current Owner: Anthony Williams, Queensland MMM No: 2450 Information:  Built in 1934 as a 2 seat roadster for the home market. History: No history supplied  

 Midgets /  Queensland / 553 views

Current Owner: George and Marguerite Morgan, Victoria Information: Recorded on the Lanes list and is believed to have been imported by them as a rolling chassis in 1934. History:  All that remains of this car is the LH front dumb iron that came in a box of bits of a...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 539 views

Current Owner: Ian Pardey, N.S.W. MMM No: 1967 Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  New South Wales / 546 views

Current Owner: Lindsay Hick, South Australia Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  South Australia / 611 views

Current Owner: John Hudson, Western Australia MMM No: 2449 Information: Built in 1934 and dispatched in CKD form to Lanes Motors, Victoria, Australia.  The car appears to have been sent to Chas. Aspinall and fitted with one of his two-seat bodies with swept guards and his heavy windscreen frame. History:...

 Midgets /  Western Australia / 750 views

Current Owner: Barry Evans, Queensland MMM No: 151 Information: Built in 1934 as a two seat roadster for home market.

 Midgets /  Queensland / 842 views

Current Owner: Ric Wake, Western Australia Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Western Australia / 547 views

Current Owner: Geoff Scott, Vic. Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 682 views

Current Owner: Martin Swan Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Western Australia / 565 views

Current owner: Ray and John Abikhair, Vic. MMM No: 2424 Information: 9/2/34, first M.G. to be fitted with an H.W. Allingham designed Airline body, built by Carbodies.  UK reg. no., MG 3528. Used as a demonstrator by University Motors until sold 6/9/34. History:  In regular use by owner Mr Eggleston...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 847 views

Current owner: Bucknell Family, South Australia. MMM No: 1898 Information: According to the MMM Register this car was built in 1934 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market. However there are some websites where the chassis is listed as EX154 which, according to the Hawke History, was last heard...

 Midgets /  South Australia / 663 views

Current Owner: Southgate Family, Victoria MMM No: 2454 Information: research by Tony Sloan Dispatched from Abingdon May 1934 as CKD destined for Australia. History: Earliest record is registration in Victoria in the early 50s number GOC 152 recorded as a 2-seater.  Later re-registered HCN 280, then in 1960 re-registered again...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 927 views

Current Owner: Errol Rumpf, Queensland MMM No: 652 Information: Early history unknown. Restored by Graeme Paine in 1980s.

 Midgets /  Queensland / 634 views

Current Owner: Keith Elwell-Gavins,  Queensland MMM No: 464 -Information: Built at Abingdon as a two-seat roadster and dispatched from the export dept. 26/7/34 to South Africa. Finished in black paint with blue trim and silver wheels. History:  written by Ross Letten. "My first knowledge of the car dates back to...

 Midgets /  Queensland / 799 views

Current Owner: John Byrne, Queensland Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Queensland / 595 views

Current Owner: Tony Basham, Queensland MMM No: 2434 Information: Dispatched from Abingdon as C.K.D. History: Restored by Ray Skewes.  Sold to Wayne Cairn, little used then sold to Tony Basham and used a lot - probably the most traveled Pre-War M.G. in recent years.

 Midgets /  Queensland / 628 views

Current Owner: James Harper, Victoria MMM No: 2455 Information: Built in 1935 as a 2-seat roadster for the home market. History: Early UK history unknown.  Purchased by Peter Harper (current owner’s father) of Adelaide in 1979 from Barry Walker, UK dealer. Whilst complete and semi-restored, a total restoration was carried...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 784 views

Current Owner: Neville Howell, Victoria MMM No: 2452 Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 563 views

Current Owner: Brian Hill, Victoria MMM No: 3346 Information: Built late '34 or early '35 as a 2-seat sports model for the home market. History: Registered in the UK as MG 4203.  Early history unknown. The car was rebuilt in Britain and on completion was featured in an article in...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 543 views

  Current Owner: Ferge Anderson, Victoria MMM No: 2451 Information: This car was bought as chassis and various parts in 1978 and owner’s wife said “continue to the tip!”  The chassis and body of the car had parted company as part of a divorce and gone separate ways.  The present...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 647 views

Current Owner: Graeme Steinfort, Victoria History: Graeme purchased PA1427 from Walter Magilton in the 1970s, surprised that he would even consider selling such an Historic Car!  Walter was going to Europe to paint and that was the obvious excuse. The car was dismantled and was typical of a racing car...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 910 views

Current Owner: Anthony Fagan, Victoria Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 635 views

Current Owner: Warwick Anderson, Victoria Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 623 views

Current Owner:  Dale Parsell, Victoria MMM No:  2844 Information:  Built as a 4-seat tourer. History: Car was fitted with a Ford E93 8HP motor and three speed gearbox when the original disintegrated.  An original P-Type gearbox was subsequently fitted. Recorded incorrectly on previous registers as PA1352.

 Midgets /  Victoria / 876 views

Current Owner: Ian Northcott, Victoria MMM No: 2442 History: This car was built in 1934 and shipped to Sydney CKD to be fitted with a locally made body by an unknown coachbuilder. The first owner kept the car for an extremely long time (for an M.G.) and eventually sold it...

 Midgets /  Victoria / 675 views

Current Owner: John Noble, Victoria Information: No history provided

 Midgets /  Victoria / 578 views

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