Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
PA 1576 Ken Taylor Unknown, UK. Tasmania
PA 1668 Bucknell Family South Australia
PA 1677 Ian Prior Don Moore Barry Bryan Graeme Davies Victoria
PA 1726 Elliot Burns Mr Place, UK, 1934-? Herbert Ellis, UK, war years. Ray Fowler, NSW, '70s-2019. New South Wales
PA 1943 Brian Hill Unknown, UK -2004 Victoria
PA 1979 Neville Howell Victoria
PA 2074 Andy Lucena Victoria
PA 2096 Errol Rumpf Eric Hayes, Graham Paine Queensland
PA 2173 James Harper Barry Walker, UK -'79. Peter Walker (dec) SA. Victoria
PB 0264 Rob Bodkin Western Australia
PB 0281 Allan and Janet Reid Bob Appleby, Vic. Victoria
PB 0301 Neil Cooke Mike Howell, Tas 50s-66. Lou Molina, Vic 66-80. Victoria
PB 0351 Neil Cooke Ray Skewes Victoria
PB 0392 Brendon and Peta Ryder John Hunting, WA. 80s. Ed Farrer, WA. 80s. John Hunting, WA. 90s. Richard Fearon, Vic. 90s. Ron Adams, NSW. 2000s. Phil Redhead, NSW. 200? - 2019 New South Wales
PB 0475 Mark Alderson John Green, W.A., ?-'95 Vern Smithers, W.A., '95 - '22 Western Australia
PB 0489 David Bishop Terry Egan Les Bishop Victoria
PB 0566 Andrew Barnett Victoria
PB 0698 Chris Guy Lou Symes Western Australia
PB 0728 Bill Jenkinson John Hunting, WA. 80s. Peter Briggs, WA. 90s. Barry Robinson, WA. early 2000s. Bill Jamison, WA. 2005. Western Australia
PB 0749 Morgan Family Peter Molloy, NSW, 1950s Geoff McGrath, NSW 59-85 Ian Mawson, Vic 85-2024 Victoria
Q Type 0256 Col Schiller Dr. A.R. Samual, UK '34-36. W E Humphreys, UK '36-38. Leo Kelly, Au, 38-39 Reg Strong,39-? John Crouch, ? Jack Bond, 40-45 Peter Vennermark 46-49 Stan Jones 49-53 Les Murphy 53-68 Phil Vickery -81 Ed Ison, 81-85 Ted Ackroyd, 85-06 Norman Ackroyd, 06-23 Queensland
Q Type 0257 John Lackey New South Wales
SA 0491 Todd Barker New South Wales
SA 0493 Patrick Fox Mike Sherrell Western Australia
SA 0499 Paul Williams Graham Nichols, S.A. 1960s Mostyn and Wendy Upton, S.A. 1970s to 2013. Ellen Wilson, Qld, 2013 to 2023 Victoria
SA 0518 Bob Schapel South Australia
SA 0614 Ian Edgar Victoria
SA 0818 Rhys Timms John Drew, Vic. '60s. Bob Somerville, Vic. '67-68. Geoff Graham, Vic. '68-90. Ray Skewes, Vic. '90-25 Victoria
SA 0891 Brian Smyth Victoria
SA 0907 Ian Edgar Victoria