Magnette / New South Wales / 771 views

Current owner: Tim Perrin, Victoria Information: Built in 1935 as a black pillarless saloon for the home market. History: An original Extract from Registration Particulars exists showing the date of registration was 7/10/1935, the number was ADG 409 and has continuous license stamps up to 1963. The car was purchased...

Current owner: Robert (Bob) Bazzica, South Australia. MMM No: 1658 Information: Built in 1935 as a 4-door pillarless saloon for the home market. History: None supplied however we do have some information. KN0386 is mentioned in the history of K1 0434 as told by Michael Carr link and quoted here:-...
Magnette / South Australia / 793 views

History: Rebuilt in the style of K3 by Lex Franks in Queensland. Sold and exported. Modifications/Restoration: Â
Magnette / Outside Australia / 798 views

Magnette / New South Wales / 593 views

Current owner: Unknown, NL. MMM No: 303 Information / History: Feature at the York Motor Museum.
Magnette / Outside Australia / 684 views

Magnette / Queensland / 967 views

Current owner; Clifford Ross Kelly, Queensland. History; K3004 is the sixth K3 built; with its guarantee plate being issued 30/3/1933 and delivered to its buyer, G.F.A. (Jock) Manby-Colegrave. It is believed that the car was registered JB 1411. Jock was friendly with Adrian Squires who had worked as a draftsman...
Magnette / Queensland / 1737 views

History: Before being brought to Australia by John Snow, this car had been raced extensively in Europe by Thai (then known as Siam) Prince Bira. Its first Australian outing was at Victor Harbor in 1936, when Lord Walerin retired early.  The car changed hands several times before the Second World...

Magnette / Western Australia / 634 views

Current owner: Marguerite Morgan, Victoria. Information: Four-seat tourer, KD engine, ENV pre selector gearbox, restored to original factory standard. Engine No. 624 AKD (on Engine and Plate) Body No 139/9799 Body Type B224. History: Imported from the UK by Clifford (Ross) Kelly. The car required considerable work to bring it...

Current Owner: John Hunting, Western Australia Information: No history provided
Magna / Western Australia / 645 views

Current Owner: Martin Barrett, South Australia Information: Continental Coupe under restoration
Magna / South Australia / 605 views

Current Owner: Doug Gordon, South Australia Information: Built at Abingdon in 1933 as a Salonette. History: Early history unknown. Imported into Australia by Nick Langford from the USA, owned Georg Leitl briefly then sold to Peter Coombe in S.A., approx. 2005. At this time it was in driveable condition. Sadly...
Magna / South Australia / 730 views

Current Owner: Richard Mattea, Queensland History: This car was delivered in chassis form in 1933 and was immediately prepared for a career in racing. It was entered in the 1934 AGP by J Summers but crashed out on lap 14. Later in the year he had much better success in...
Magna / Queensland / 633 views

Current Owner: Unknown Information: Supercharged, ENV preselector gearbox, 2 seater aluminium body. Hydraulic brakes. Building of car in current configuration was commenced & substantially completed by John Butterfield. It was John's intention to have a fast road/ racing M.G. Car and engine has been rebuilt in Brisbane, (principally by Joe...
Magna / Outside Australia / 624 views

Current Owner: Denis Jury, New Zealand. History: L0658 was delivered by Lanes Motors in 1933 to a V. Maloney and from then until the 1960s very little is known. The only information is that it was raced extensively and at one stage had a bronze head fitted. The motor was...
Magna / New Zealand / 658 views