Vehicle Reg Owner Previous Owners Location
14/28 115687 Terry and Julie Prodger 1925 Tom Darcy, W.A. 1958 Gilbert Ewers, W.A. 1970s Eric Langton, W.A. c1984 Ian George, Vic. 1990s Ron & Julie Craig, N.S.W. New South Wales
14/28 164064 Ray and John Abikhair Original owner unknown 1927-32, NSW. 32-64 Thomas Clark, NSW. 64-87 James Marriot, NSW. 87-2010 Ron Button, NSW. Col Schiller, Qld 2010-24 Victoria
14/40 2-2703 Ray and John Abikhair 1950s, W.A. Raby, UK. R. Abraham, UK. 1974 Brian Moore, Cambridge, UK. 1983 Peter Briggs, York Motor Museum, W.A. 83-08 Col Schiller, Qld. 08-2024 Victoria
14/40 2353 Bill Young Ray Bradbury, N.S.W. Queensland
14/40 4-2620 Terry and Julie Prodger Alan Salem UK 2009-2024. B.E. Clarke SA 1965-2009. E.B. Sidney UK & SA 1935-1965. New South Wales
14/40 4-2754 Neil Cuthbert Estate Victoria
18/80 6268 Peter Partridge 1934? Doug Medlen 1951 Ian Cargee 1960 Jim Kraiancich 1970 Bob Hadaway 1979 Vic Longden Western Australia
18/80 6409 Robert Bazzica Selwyn Haig, S.A. Ian Curwen-Walker 1954-2023 South Australia
18/80 6666 Col Schiller Don Martine, USA Queensland
18/80 6670 Keith Herkes, UK J.G. Enock 1931-58. Mr Mesdell 1958-59. R.T. Marsh 1959-62. Mr Alexander 1962-63. J.F. Bowman 1964-76. R. Hiley 1976-2002. UK
C 0261 Marguerite Morgan 07- 2018 Ross Kelly, Qld. 3/06 Mark Piercy, UK. 2000 Jon Feiber, USA. 1996 Kenneth Wilbraham, UK. 1984 Ken Rees. 1978 Brian Sayers. 1960’s Brian Lythe. 1935 Neville Lloyd. 1933 J.H.T. Smith. 1932 Luis Fontes. 1932 Norman Black. 1931 University Motors. Victoria
C 0284 Marguerite Morgan Bob Hudson '61-2013 UK
C 0291 Unknown, UK. 1931 H. Leeson, 1933 Messrs Ford and Baumer, 1935 John Dutton, South Aust., 1938 W. C. Howard. 1939 Lou Schappel, 1944 O'Leary Family, 1946 Gavin Sandford-Morgan, 1948 J. Crouch, 1949 D.J. Waterman, 1950 B. King, 1951 Cyril Nichols NSW, 1954 Bruce Leer, 1959 Gavin Sandford-Morgan SA, 2001 Bill Ainscough UK, 2006 Adam Singer, 2008 Graham Watts, 2009 Gary Ford. UK
F 0303 Graeme & Shirley Davies J C Thurburn 8/32, Peter Auld, Don Shinners Gavin Sanford-Morgan, Allan Batten Andrew Wegener Victoria
F type 0345 Peter Bail Peter Bradey South Australia
F Type 0428 Philip and Marta Redhead Brian Oxley New South Wales
F Type 0525 Barry Broom Harry Hickling, ACT. Colin Bardill, NSW. Pat Griffith, NZ. P. Smith, Surrey, UK. Victoria
F type 0546 Charles & Margret Tuckey 1932 David Pittendrigh, Toorak, Vic. Colin Jones, Simon Ramsey, Noel Robson, Bill Atherton, Graeme Steinfort, Richard Fearon, Peter Longford, Peter Thomas, Ivan Glasby, Keith Bradfield, John Trewarne, Vic., Keith Schafferius, Qld., Graeme Davies, Vic 2016. South Australia
F Type 0581 Brian Cather Ross Williams (NZ) John Hurst, NSW. Queensland
F type 0662 Bruce Washington Jill Porter Western Australia
F Type 0705 Russell Turner John Firth-Smith, NSW New South Wales
F Type 0861 Harry Hickling Arnold Glass, 1947, reg no. TG 841. Victoria
F type 1048 Neil & Mary-Anne Anderson Michael Morrow Queensland
F type 1178 George and Marguerite Morgan Victoria
F Type 1254 Tim Shellshear New South Wales
F type 1316 Philip Battye Bryan Harper Victoria
F type 1317 Ryan Thompson Barry Bahnisch, S.A. Victoria
F type 1433 Peter Partridge Brian Flowers (NSW) Western Australia
F Type 1438 Stuart Ratcliffe Ron Taylor New South Wales
F Type 1452 Ross Alexander New South Wales